I was on vacation last week and although most of it was spent moving, sorting, storing, cleaning and getting ready for a garage sale, I did manage to have a little fun. There was a national pow wow held nearby in Danville, Indiana. We went on opening night and on closing night. I hadn't been to one in SO long I had forgotten how much fun they were!
This gentleman's beadwork is amazing! He kindly posed for me.

I'm sure he did the beadwork himself. Just gorgeous!

Some of the teepees.....

Some of the drummers and singers.....

Some of the beadwork available for purchase --- WOWSA!!!

This nice lady posed for me also. The black is not beaded, but everything else is. See the gorgeous fringe, too??

One of the dancers.....

I tried so hard to get a good picture of this guy - his beadwork was amazing too and he was really into the dancing!

All the yellow and other colors on this man's regalia is beaded.
There is another pow wow in Tipton on Labor Day weekend that we are going to try to go to. If you get a chance, GO! They are SO much fun and the beadwork and inspiration is beyond words!!
Eskie smiles,